Sunday, August 12, 2012

Weekly Reflection

So Friday I had the students set up their Interactive Student Notebooks (ISN). Their first entry was entitled "Weekly Reflection". After we orally wrote and orally edited as a whole group they went to work on their independent writing. Many wrote a full page! WHOOOO! Too often I have students ask "how long does it have to be"? This time there wasn't any question. Some even went to the second page. Those who did stop writing I asked them if I could oral edit their writing. Much better then simply telling them to write some more. For my last two classes I also had them write what the best part of the week in my class was. Whooo! They talked about the hand movements, the brownie points, and being able to talk with others in class. one even said she like the oral writing/ editing and was doing it even while she wrote.

Teachers spend so much time hearing negative from students. As the year goes on the parents also get on board and complain. Maybe also administrators complain about overall scores when students being taking benchmark assessments. It is wonderful to finish out the week reading something positive from the ones who matter the students. Friday I turned off my classroom lights looking forward to turning them back on Monday.

Monday I plan on returning to the basics and stressing to the students the hand movements with "Class-Yes". As last week went on I became content with their halfhearted "yes" and didn't focus on making sure their hands were folded. Also, I need to implement the scoreboard more deligently. I did have a few students ask if they had scored enough points for "Friday Fun", and I never even mentioned if they even needed a set number of points! I can't expect these fish to keep biting if I don't use the right bait.

So what will be on the menu for "Friday Fun"? The goal is to prepare for a few minutes of "Minute to Win It". It is something they have not done, so there is the hook. It is too early in the year to have too much down time for them, and I need to set the tone.

Monday I also plan on implementing the "Genius Ladder". My principal is wanting all classes to really focus on writing. I can tell I do have some good writers who already know paragraph indention and development. However, I also I had too many who seemed to have no clue and preferred to write from the top of the page all the way down or not even write a paragraph but write each sentence with a number on the left. I think the Genius Ladder can be differentiated applied to help all students.

Genius Ladder
Minute to Win It
Super Improvers Wall
Take pictures of classroom and post

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